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The Sales Challenge Blog

A Healthy Sales Tip

Picture of Bill Farquharson

Bill Farquharson

One thing a day. Just one. That is all it takes to be healthy, wealthy, and wise as a sales rep. Don't wait your entire sales career to learn the lesson in Bill Farquharson's blog this week.

It’s kind of a paradox to think about retirement. We work our whole lives so that we can stop working and enjoy life. For many people, however, by the time they reach the finish line, their bodies defy them and they are not able to do the things they have been waiting to do.

You might not be as close to retirement as I am, but this message is for you as well.

What if you did one thing for your personal health every day?

Workout. Meditate. Read. Eat something healthy. Visit with a friend.

Just one thing. The list is nearly endless.

Taking the time to take care of yourself first is a lesson we learn far too late in life. We tell ourselves work is more important. We believe, there will always be time later.

If you can convince yourself to think of later as now and practice this advice daily, you will be—as the saying goes—healthy, wealthy, and wise.

I am off to the gym…


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