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Good morning!

Right about this time of year, many salespeople are breaking their New Year’s resolutions. These were promises for growth. Some of you gave it a lot of thought and really worked the numbers. You consulted others and established a goal that was reasonable and achievable…and then promptly failed.

If I’ve just described you, I would like to turn this week’s sales tip over to my daughter, Kate.

Kate, the floor is yours…

Thanks, dad. Why don’t you use this time to write some checks. My wedding is now just over five months away and I left some bills on your desk.

Good morning to all of you! My name is Kati Farquharson. I am 27 years old and the oldest (also funniest, smartest, and most beautiful) of Bill’s three daughters.

A little under a year ago, I decided that I was going to lose some weight so that when I walk down the aisle, I am happy and healthy and lighter! I’m proud to say that I am closing in on having lost 40 pounds.

My dad has long been one of my biggest cheerleaders and he asked me what he could do to help. The answer I gave him is something that he thinks might help you as you work towards meeting those Resolution goals for 2018. No one can do the work for you just like no one but me could put in the hours required to reshape my body.

That’s on you.

But my tip for you is this: Build a team of supporters and ask them to check in with you on a regular basis. Have them ask if you’ve made your calls today. Tell them sometimes it’s nice just to have an encouraging word in the form of a note or an email or voicemail message.

I can tell you firsthand the value of having people in your corner who believe in you. I’m losing this weight for me just like you’re going to go out make your sales calls because it’s important to you. But there’s also a part of me that knows that I don’t want to let anyone down. Team Kati keeps me moving and motivated.

There will be days that you don’t want to make your calls. Believe me, there were lots of days that I didn’t want to exercise. And no, this doesn’t get easier. It’s hard every single day. But there’s no arguing with the results that I’ve received.

On July 6, 2018, I will take a deep breath, hand my father a Kleenex so that he can wipe his tears, and the doors will open. Everything that I have worked so hard for and all of the support and encouragement of my team will be in view at that moment.

My dad’s job is to encourage you to do your best and to be your best, just as he had done for me for 27+ years. But no one expects you to do it alone. There is help all around you and all you need to do is ask.

Happy new year, everyone! I hope you exceed your goals!

The future Mrs. Kathryn Jane Maskell

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