Good morning!
One of the bravest moves you can make as a salesperson is to walk into your boss’ office and admit that you are struggling. Or maybe you are in over your head. Could be you feel like you’re going to get fired at any moment.
Or maybe all three at once.
On three separate occasions last week, I heard a client say to me, “I’m so relieved to find out I’m not the only one with these issues.” That’s what prompted this sales tip.
The overwhelming majority of us work on our own. Either we are a selling owner or the lone sales rep. To make matters worse and the isolation more intense, we might be working on our own from home. That leaves you with absolutely no one to compare yourself against, never mind complain to. Day after day of nothing but voicemail and frustration makes you wonder, “Is this normal? Am I the outlier?”
Let me clue you into something. It is completely normal to have any or all of these negative thoughts. One of the most frequently heard questions I get is, “What’s going on with others like me?”
Everybody thinks everybody else is successful and we are the only ones failing.
Not true. Not at all.
Will knowing this fact create a spike in your sales? Probably not. But at least the panic and desperation will be removed from your voice when you’re making calls.
Let’s get back to the bravery part.
Despite what you might think, your boss wants you to succeed. It is in his or her best interest and they will go to almost any lengths to give you what you need. Walking into their office and voicing your fears might be the thing that saves you from getting fired, not causes it.
How instantly can things turn around? I put a young sales rep in a workshop with two of his peers last Wednesday. The difference in his voice and demeanor from the beginning of the call to the end was palpable. I noticed it and he brought it up on his own when we talked later.
Everyone wants to know how everyone else is doing. Everyone thinks they are the only one feeling what they feel. I hope this message brings you some relief and I hope you reach out for help from any and all available resources, including me. Here’s my contact information….
Bill can be reached at or by calling 781-934-7036.