The Sales Vault

Pulling Out of the Sales Nosedive

In yesterday’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip, Bill Farquharson wrote and talked about the need to either be or feign success while selling. But not everyday can a rep play their A game. In today’s blog, he’s give you a question to ask yourself that well help turn negative thoughts around.

I read a great quote in a book about golf:

Play your best with the game you brought to the course today.

That is, whatever swing you have—good or bad—make the most of it.

The same can be said about your sales day.

All this week, I’m talking about attitude and the role it plays in your sales success. In yesterday’s sales tip, I wrote and talked about the need to either have or feign confidence while making calls.

But what about those days when your tank is empty?

If the client can hear your good moods, they can just as easily hear your bad moods. But, bad moods are tough to shake. And what about those days when you’re feeling defeated and that Judge on your shoulder is whispering negative thoughts in your ears?

Yep. The client can hear those emotions as well.

To help you, I have a question you need to ask yourself. First, a little back-story:

One of my favorite books on the planet is one I believe every human being should read early in their life, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The first three are:

  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don’t make any assumptions
  3. Don’t take anything personally

It’s the fourth of The Four Agreements that applies here:

4. Always do your best

There is something about acknowledging to yourself and the world that hey, ”Yes, this is the best I am capable of right now,” that changes your perception and therefore the attitude you have and therefore the energy you emit to customers and others.

By answering the question, “Am I doing my best?” with a, “Yes,” you are making the most of the “game” you brought to the course today.

Shanking drives into the woods? Use an iron instead.

Feeling negative about cold calls? Call on some clients instead.

If you are doing your best, there is no failure.

If you are doing your best, you are allowed to be grumpy.

If you’re not doing your best, recognize it and then make the necessary change. There is no guarantee you’ll make a sale, but this question will pull you out of the sales nosedive and help you to regain some altitude.

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