“I want…”
“I need…”
“I ask for things I need but never get them.”
Pop quiz: Are these quotes from a conversation with one of my coaching clients or one of my teenage daughters?
Answer: Yes.
Actually, I had the exact same conversation twice over the course of 30 minutes. The first time was at the tail end of a coaching call when a sales rep told me about his request for online marketing for lead-gen and the second time was as I drove a child to work as she complained about not owning her own car. Coincidence or giant hint as to what to write about in this week’s blog?
Answer: Yes.
In both cases, the response was the same: “Your best chance of getting what you want is to approach the subject with more than just the ask. Have a plan. Provide details. Include costs and, more importantly, the benefits to the other person.”
All of life is a selling situation and the same basic rules apply. Solve the problem and you will earn the order. The problem is not that you don’t have a car or you don’t know who to call on. The problem is the family’s having to drive you to work or you need to grow your new business sales. By angling your ask towards solving those problems, you dramatically increase your odds of getting what you want.
“Hey boss, I believe a solid plan for inbound marketing would generate quality leads, which I can then use to grow new business sales. I have a plan complete with estimated costs and next steps. Can we spend a few minutes going over it?”
Can’t you just sense this pitch going well?
As for the car, the only plan that will get the green light involves saving up for it and doing it without parental assistance. I include this on the off-chance one of the teens reads my blog.