Have you noticed there’s been an unusually high number of celebrities speaking out on social media and then immediately following up with an apology? Often times, if you read what they wrote, you wonder what was so offensive. Taken on its own, perhaps nothing. However, there was likely a bigger issue at hand and this opinion acted like gas to the fire.
This warning relates to business as well…
Someone told a young Bill Farquharson years ago, “Never put something in writing you wouldn’t want someone to see.” I can’t say I’ve been 100% true to that statement, but it has forced me to hit the Delete key many times.
Here’s a second rule to live by: “If you have to ask, it’s probably a bad idea.” That is, if you writing something down and then think, “Will this come back to bite me?” it almost certainly will.
Save the written word for compliments and thank you notes. There’s safety in that approach.