There is a difference between the fundamentals and the obvious. Still, not all sales basics are as apparent as I would like them to be. Over the course of the client coaching I do for salespeople, these are the top five, “Do I really have to tell you this?” Suggestions:
- Follow-up— you will be shocked at how often you get an order simply because you picked up the phone and asked, “Did you get the proposal? Do you have any questions? What’s our next step?”
- Respond immediately— all client emails need instant acknowledgment, even (and especially) if you cannot answer their question right away.
- Say “Thank you for the order”— your mom asked me to remind you about this one.
- Smile and be positive— there is an abundance of bad news at every turn these days. Be a ray of sunshine and complain about nothing. Life is good!
- Love your job— if you don’t like sales, that’s fine. But if you don’t love to sell, go find something you do love.